About Us


Nisim is dedicated to solving your hair worries.


Nisim® has developed a proprietary system for extracting the active ingredients from the herbs used in all of its products. This system allows us to get the maximum effective strength from the herbs. We are so confident of our products that we back them with an unconditional 100% money back guarantee. Many people ask us the origin of our name - Nisim® actually means "Miracle" in Hebrew (the original owners of the company created the name).

Nisim® began selling the NewHair Biofactors® line of products in 1993.  We are a private company that has relied largely on the quality of our products and word of mouth to market our products. We do not have the budget of the large drug companies to advertise on TV and in consumer magazines, this does however, keep our costs down. This allows us to bring you the finest products available at the lowest cost in the market.

F.A.S.T.® Fortified Amino Scalp Therapy. F.A.S.T.® is designed for those desiring long healthy hair. F.A.S.T.® line includes a shampoo and conditioner.